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5 Worst Fitness Business Mistakes Every Gym Owner Must Avoid

Tejal Surve 10-08-2021

Mistakes are a part of running any business. You make mistakes and you learn from them to become a stronger businessman. However, clever people are those who learn from other’s mistakes. The fitness business is the same.

There are many common and worst mistakes that gym owners make that cost them their business. These mistakes are often made unknowingly which makes it easier for them to repeat them. A study shows that only about a half of the small businesses make it past the 5-year mark (source: Forbes.com). Small gyms and fitness facilities are also among them.

So, what can help you save your fitness business and make it thrive over the years?

In this blog, we will be discussing the 5 worst fitness business mistakes that every gym owner must avoid. Keep reading to find out more.

Mistake #01 - Trying to do everything on your own

When you open a new fitness facility, you may want to do everything, from management to training, on your own. And for a while, you will be able to go through the hectic schedule of managing your facility, members, marketing, and finances because of excitement. However, that is not sustainable over a long period.

This will end up draining you and affecting your work, business, as well as your mental health. A lot of time, over-working on one thing may make you start disliking it. So, make sure that you do not make this mistake for your gym or fitness facility.

Hire help to do things that take too much of your time. Look for people you can trust for work. Make sure that they qualify for the job. For example, if you are hiring a trainer, they must have a credible certificate for being a trainer.

This way, you can get multiple works done at a reasonable price. What’s more, when you hire a professional, they can even be better than you at their job.

Mistake #02 - Not defining your target audience

This is yet another mistake that will not only drain your mental and physical energy but in the long run, will also mess up your business plan. When starting a new gym, the idea of having members feels great regardless of who they are or what their fitness goal is. However, this makes you the jack of all and the master of none.

Understand that there will be many gyms that

Being a new gym, your biggest USP will be your specialty. What are you expert in? Is it weight loss, Zumba, strength training, or something else? Accordingly, create a target audience that will be interested in joining your gym for your specialty. This increases your member retention because people will be joining your gym for the training you offer instead of short-term discounts.

You may slowly expand your area of expertise as your fitness business grows.

Defining your target audience helps you understand them better so you can market your gym better and attract more members that are interested in exactly what you are offering.

Mistake #03 - Not having a defined sales process

Are your membership sales going with the flow? While getting a new gym member is a great thing, you need a set process to keep them joining your gym or fitness facility. You cannot let the sales of your membership rest on fate. This is where a sales process becomes extremely important.

You need to know where your leads are coming from and what to do once you receive a quality lead. Once you set up a sales funnel, you will know how to do your best to convert a lead into a paying member of your gym.

Create a complete flow of the client’s journey into becoming your gym’s member. This will help you get a map of what to do next when you find a client interested in your fitness facility. It will also help your staff to take the same steps to ensure consistency as well as success in converting your clients.

Guiding interested clients to buy your gym membership is a strategic process that you need to define to ensure that your gym consistently receives membership applications.

Mistake #04 - Not managing your finances well

The accounts tab of your gym decides whether your gym is going to be successful or not in the long run. Starting a new fitness business can be daunting and get really hectic however, finances are something that you absolutely cannot compromise with.

The worst thing about not managing your finances properly is that you will not realize how much you have spent until you have already spent it. So, keeping a tab of your income and expenses is the most important thing for your fitness facility.

When you have a detailed record of every penny and where it is used, you will be able to plan your gym’s monthly budget and set financial goals that help you make profits.

Mistake #05 - Thinking you don’t need software

Or that you cannot afford it!

A lot of times, small or new gyms hesitate to invest in gym management software. The gym owners often think that their gym is too small to need management software or that it is a luxury tool that they can only afford at a later stage. However, none of this is true.

The gym ERP software is a necessary set of tools that will help you manage your fitness facility with relative ease, speed, and efficiency. It automates different regular processes that are necessary for your gym to run smoothly, regardless of its size.

Gyms or fitness centers that use gym management software tend to attract more members to their facility than those that don’t. And the reason behind that is the professional edge and convenience that gym ERP software offers your staff as well as the members.

So, when you compare it to the profit you make from using gym management software more than makes up for the cost of the software.


What do gym owners struggle with?

One of the problems that gym owners struggle with is member acquisition and retention. Attracting new members and retaining the old ones is very important for the sustainability of your gym. If you cannot retain your gym members then no matter how many new members you attract, they will eventually leave.

With gym ERP software, you can keep in touch with your new and existing members and successfully retain them.

Why do fitness businesses fail?

There are many reasons why a fitness business might fail. However, nothing beats the lack of business promotion and marketing of services that you provide to your customers.

Gym businesses that do not promote their business among their target audience leave their business on the fate which is not very ideal. If your target audience does not know that your fitness facility exists then how are they going to join it? Hence, fitness marketing is a very important part of managing your fitness business.


Making mistakes and learning from them is how you survive your business. However, learning from the mistakes of others is how you thrive. That said, here are the top 5 worst fitness business mistakes that every gym owner must avoid.

  1. Trying to do everything on your own
  2. Not defining your target audience
  3. Not having a defined sales process
  4. Not managing your finances well
  5. Thinking you don’t need software

Implementing gym ERP software can stop you from making almost all of these mistakes.

It helps you to attract quality leads from the gym listing portal for your fitness facility and provides you tools to connect with them to further convert them into paying members. It provides an accounts management module where you can keep a tab of each transaction in real-time. This will allow you to create a budget and spending plan in advance so your gym always stays financially stable.

There are many other tools and modules that it offers, to explore all, you can get a free trial of gym management software.

Tell us what other mistakes a fitness business owner must avoid? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. And if you liked what you read, consider sharing this blog with your friends and peers.

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