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How Can You Thrive Your Gym Business In The Competitive Market?

Admin 09-02-2021

Health and fitness business is on a rapid boost in India. As of 2020, there are more than 200,000 gyms, fitness centers, and yoga centers across India. You will find a gym or a fitness center in almost every business location where a lot of people happen to frequent.

In such a state, if you are someone who wants to start a new gym or fitness center, then you will have to be on your toes. Thinking of new marketing ways to attract more customers to your gym should be your priority.

A lot of fitness facilities fail to see the importance of good marketing for their gym. This results in them losing their gym members, and in the worst case, their facility. To stop that from happening, you need to make sure that you always have something to offer to your clients that other gyms may not.

Your unique identity is one of the factors that makes you different from the rest. Similarly, using a competitive technology, like gym management software gives your gym an upper hand over the rest of your competitors.

In this blog, we will discuss different ways to ensure that your gym runs successfully.

Market research

This will include everything from understanding what your customers want to who your competitors are and anything in between. Researching the market and its demands allows you to create a plan for your gym’s progress. It tells you what you need to add or deduct from your gym to make it more promising and enticing for your followers.

Know your audience

As a gym facility, one might think that your audience would consist of all the people who like to stay active. However, that is not true. Even within everyone who likes to stay active, there are people who choose different ways to stay fit.

Some would prefer yoga while others would prefer dancing as a way to stay active. Based on the activities that you offer, your audience will only be the group who prefer those activities. For example, if your is a Taekwondo training center, your audience will be those people who have an interest in martial arts and, to narrow it down, Taekwondo.

Analyze your competition

Knowing who your competitors give you an added advantage. It tells you what your business is lacking and what are your strong points compared to them. In competitor analysis, you get to know what marketing techniques are they using, what are they offering additionally what you aren’t, what mistakes are they doing that you should be careful of, and similar other information.

Competitor analysis gives you are report of what your gym needs in order to stay competitive in business. You can add those things to your business. It also shows you what is better in your gym than theirs. You can use these points for your next marketing campaign. 

Create a strong social presence

Not using social media to promote your gym might be one of your biggest mistakes that stops you from being closer to your customers. In this day and age, everyone business, no matter how big or small it is, should have an online presence to attract and connect to their customers.

Be active on social media websites like Facebook and Instagram. These are the two most popular social networking platforms that people use. Chances are that your target audience will be present there too. If that is the case, then it is important for you to connect with them virtually and attract them to your physical location.

For this to happen, you have to constantly be active and engaged with your followers on social media. Once they start trusting you, they will go the extra mile just to exercise with your gym or fitness facility.

Be sure to have a Website and Gym Listing

Any business nowadays has a virtual presence on the internet. This is the place where their customers can find them for any information related to the business or the industry.

Gym and fitness centers also need to have an online presence apart from their social media accounts. A website does that for you. With a website, you can share important details about your facility with your clients and prospects. You can share useful information about fitness and diet with your prospective clients. The better information you provide, the more authoritative your website (and thus your gym) will be perceived by readers.

People looking for the facilities that you offer will first look for it in the gym listing portals. So, you need to register for a gym listing website. A gym listing website is a portal where you may find your prospective clients. It allows customers to find the right place that suits their exercising style.

If your gym is listed in the popular gym listing portals, then they can help you gather quality leads which you can then convert to your customers. The same thing is offered by top gym management software in India. A gym management software, apart from assisting you to manage your gym, also helps you in gathering quality leads for your facility.

Retaining your gym members

To make sure that your gym works smoothly and continues to make profits, you need to attract and retain your gym members. There are many ways to do that. In one of our previous blogs, we went into detail about how you can increase your gym membership.

In that blog, we have given a few tips that actually work to attract and increase your gym membership. You can read that blog here.

To summarize it, here are the tips to retain your gym members and increase gym membership.

  • Offer added value to your clients

  • Target diverse people

  • Retain your staff

  • Build your gym community

  • Become a part of gym listing sites

Your gym or fitness center is your own small community of like-minded people. As a gym owner, you need to instill and strengthen that feeling of belonging in a community within your members and staff.

More than any offer, it is this feeling that encourages them to keep coming back to your gym.


Being in the health and fitness industry, you need to constantly be aware of your competitors and your customers. With the right market research and tactics to attract and retain your customers, you can make sure that you create a strong presence in your industry to gain more profits and giving services for a long time.

As said earlier, gym management software can assist you in a lot of things, from managing your staff and members to attracting them for higher lead generation and profits.

If you haven’t installed it yet in your facility, you do it now for free with a free trial of gym management software for a limited time. You can choose the package according to your needs and feel the difference it makes in your profit margin.

We would like to know what steps you take to ensure your place in the fitness industry? Share them with us in the comments below. And be sure to share the blog if you think it may help someone you know.

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