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Gym management mobile applications: What are their uses and benefits?

Admin 18-06-2021

Gyms and fitness centers are places where people of different age groups go for keeping themselves fit and healthy. Gym management software helps the gym owners to manage their gym floor and all the other aspects that make it a successful gym. 

However, the gym management ERP software is useful for everyone and not only the gym owners. That being said, the gym members and trainers cannot bring their laptops or PCs to the gym to make use of the software. And that is where the gym management mobile applications come in handy. 

There are separate gym management mobile applications for gym members and trainers. Both the applications are connected to the gym management software at the gym facility so that only authorized members and trainers can make use of it. 

With that said, let us look into how gym management software helps gym members and trainers. 

Gym management mobile application benefits for members and trainers 

A gym cannot run successfully without its fair share of gym members and trainers. The more facilities you offer your members, the more they will want to choose your gym over other gyms. Gym facilities, along with friendly staff can help any gym reach its desired goal of success. 

One of the more important facilities that your gym or fitness center can provide its customers is the ease to digitize their training schedule and related information. With everything getting digitized, gym members will want a way to stay connected to their gym and training even when they are physically away from it. 

The gym management software helps you do just that. 

With the different features of the gym management software offers, members can easily track their fitness schedule, diet charts, hydration levels all on their smartphones. Whereas, gym management software mobile application for trainers contains features that can simplify many everyday tasks for the gym trainers and improve their work efficiency by optimizing resources like time and manpower. 

Here are some of the benefits of the gym management mobile application for members and gym trainers. 

It tracks your diet and workout plans 

Since the gym management mobile application is linked with the gym management software, changes in the member’s diet and workout schedule are easily communicated to them through the application. The diet and workout plans created by the gym owner, trainer, or dietician are directly communicated to the members.  

Moreover, gym trainers do not have to separately contact every member to notify them if they decide to make any changes in the diet and workout schedule. Once they make any changes in the schedule, it automatically reflects in the member’s gym management application. 

It keeps a tab of your attendance 

Ever had to let go of the gym day because you could attend it at your regular scheduled time? Most of the time when that happens, members have to call or contact the gym to make sure that their membership is frozen for the time that they cannot attend it. 

With the attendance feature, gym members can keep a tab of your everyday attendance. Based on your attendance record, you can reschedule a class if you miss your regular one so that you can keep your workout streak going without any hurdle. 

A similar feature in the gym management mobile application for trainers keeps a tab of trainer’s attendance which keeps their salary records transparent. 

It keeps your payment records 

The gym management software mobile application for members keeps all their payment records safe in their accounts. Members can choose to view and manage them whenever they like. 

Using this feature, gym members can view their paid and pending fees, pay their fees, and view or download their payment receipt whenever they want. 

With payment gateway integration, members can pay their gym fees directly from their smartphones using any online payment method like UPI, online wallet, debit/credit card, etc. 

It includes member’s medical reports 

Knowing the gym member’s medical history is important for planning a more effective diet and workout schedule without risking any injury or incurring any health issues. 

The gym management mobile application allows gym members to answer health-related questions and prepares a report for the gym trainer so that they can create a workout and diet plan based on that report. 

It keeps a track of employee profile 

That includes the personal details of every employee, professional details, and other things related to their work and fitness facility. This feature allows the trainers to view and update their profile and all its related things. 

Trainers can keep a track of their salaries as well using this feature of their account. Moreover, it also shows them their daily tasks so that they know where to start with. 


Why your gym needs a mobile app? 

Mobile applications provide a platform for gyms to provide important information to their members and trainers. This information can be anything regarding their gym. It can be the schedules, notices, announcements, payment details, attendance, and many more. All this information cannot be made available on desktops. As smartphones are handy and can be carried anywhere conveniently, mobile applications are the better option for gyms to provide added services to their trainers and members. 

What software do gym trainers use? 

Gym management software offers two dedicated gym management mobile applications for members and trainers. If the gym is using gym management software, the trainers, as well as the gym members, can connect to that software using the gym management mobile application. This way every stakeholder at your gym stays in contact with one another creating a more productive gym system. 


Gym management mobile applications help gym members and trainers to improve their performance at the fitness facility improving their health and increasing your gym productivity. Gym mobile application for members helps them to track their fitness and how close they are to their goal. Whereas, gym mobile application for trainers allows them to increase their work efficiency and get more things done in a lesser amount of time. 

You can get your hands on gym management software for free with the trial version. It will allow you to see how it can be helpful for you as the gym owner, your staff, and your gym members. 

What are your thoughts about gym management mobile applications? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to share this blog with those whom you think may benefit from it.

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