406, Lotus Plaza, 30 Mtr Rd, Near Vishranti Heritage, Opp Yash Complex, Ashwamegh Twp, Laxmipura, Vadodara, Gujarat 390021

Smart Yoga - A Blend of Yoga and Technology
Technology intervenes have been pretty evident particularly when the 21st century began. Now in this age of gizmos and genius devices, there isn't a sector in which technology hasn't brushed its feather like hands. This change brought about by technology has aided humans to say the least but has majorly impacted and improved our mundane lives. Gone are the days when taking a run in the wood among trees and butterflies was a thing. Treadmills have taken over. Computer dominates the human brain power now. The examples are innumerable and drastic.
In the fitness industry too, with the advent of supreme machines gyms have undergone a total makeover. Nothing about gyms was natural earlier either. But simple practices namely yoga, stretching, skipping, running, meditation have now become tech savvy.
You have those skips counting device embedded in your skipping rope, number of smart watches and gears to track your heart rate, steps taken and all that jazz, applications that help you concentrate better by creating an artificial environment when meditating. The practice as you can see remains the same, but there is a brush of technology involved.
We at Vfitness understand what kind of a workout atmosphere you need by providing you with multitudes of options to choose from. We will situate you in your respected workout niche be it gyms, pilates studio, fitness centres, martial arts or yoga classes. Moreover reading on you'll discover a simple yet complicated practice named Smart Yoga.
A Peek into Yoga History
Yoga has its roots in India as it is an archaic Indian
practice. The word Yoga is mentioned as early as in the Rig Veda (the oldest of
the four Vedas). It was a practice to train the spiritual, mental and physical
body. With yoga the body chakras can be aligned and provides proper all around
development of an individual. Yoga is carried out in a sanguine, clean and calm
spot indoors or outdoors with minimal amount of distractions. Also any day a
traditionalist yogi would advise to perform yoga anytime of the day before
sunset. Performing yoga after sunset is not promoted as there is the sun to
provide you with energy, clean air and there is considerably more oxygen in the
Types of yoga exist which cater to various body parts, are versatile in their approach and different from each other. The Asanas you hold during your yoga practice is key. A correct asana or posture will do miracles for you. A calm mind and a positive attitude will be extra add on and make yoga more peaceful and powerful.
Yoga and Technology
Our fitness innovators and enthusiasts could not withstand yoga
being ignored by technology. A need was felt to add technology to yoga. To this
many people are happy while other orthodox traditionalists cringe at this duo.
Gifts of Technology to Yoga.
Apparently you just don't need your body and a clean spot to
perform yoga. Some accessorising needs to be done. As we all know yoga is not
done on a bare floor. A basic yoga mat is mandatory to perform yoga. Next up is
a yoga gear. To put it plainly it is outfit you wear when doing yoga. And
lastly it is the tranquil and calm environment which stimulates the aura around
you for a better yoga practice. These things we talked about are quite ordinary
and nothing too expensive or unique. But what if say that all these have been
modified and tweaked by technology to unleash its powers. You will be amazed
with the results.
Smart Yoga
Smart yoga is the name given to the blend of yoga and
technology. This blend has raised a few eyebrows. But in these busy times smart
yoga is very much appreciated and brought in use. It has so far made the
following number of changes -
Genius Yoga Mat
The need to involve technology in yoga mat is as innovative as
it gets. This yoga mat is loaded with sensors which are able to detect your
movement and give you active feedback of your postures and positions. Consider
these mats as your live but non breathing yoga guru.
Technology Infused Yoga Wear
Yoga has very limited instrument requirements. Clothing is one
of that. Hence why not infuse them with technology, the geeks thought. Because
of that, we have the hi tech yoga wear. Precisely it is the yoga pants which
are kissed by technology. Wearable X have
come up with Nadi X yoga pants. As a
prompt, they send out mild vibrations when you fall out of your pose. Now this
is some wearable technology.
High Tech Yoga Studios
We live in concrete jungles that are the cities. Cities
nowadays, (all thanks to us) have next to no natural places or the favourable
environment where yoga practice can be carried out. Considering this,
technology created artificial environment for an aesthetic yoga experience.
These yoga Studios have high resolution graphics of natural scenery and
landscapes being projected on huge screens with mild sounds for stimulation.
They aim to provide a near nature experience.
Applications for Yoga
If you can't afford high tech classes, outfits or mats the apps
have got your back. Both free and paid applications assure you get the best
yoga lessons, a virtual guide and authentic yoga expertise. Yoga with Adrienne
is a very popular yogi who teaches yoga via her YouTube channel. Also
applications like OM, Daily Yoga, Pocket Yoga, Yoga Studio etc are dedicated to
improving your Yoga sessions.
Whether you adopt these technological tweaks to your daily
routine yoga or not is up to you. Majorly consider if your pocket allows them.
Ponder over if you really need them or not and are you capable enough to play
with such advanced piece of technology. Yoga is simply a connection between
your mind, body and heart. Do whatever you feel is right to establish this
connection. Most importantly continue the healthy, healing workout yoga is and
feel free to give our technology chance at Vfitnessclub to serve you with a
list of yoga classes and Studios around you.