406, Lotus Plaza, 30 Mtr Rd, Near Vishranti Heritage, Opp Yash Complex, Ashwamegh Twp, Laxmipura, Vadodara, Gujarat 390021

Improve Your Stamina with These Useful Diet Tips
Fatigue and feeling drained after a long day at work?
You are not the only one. A study suggests that at an average, 27.7%
of people in India feel fatigued on regular basis. This same study showed that
signs of fatigue were more prevalent in underweight and overweight people as
compared to people with normal Body Mass Index (BMI).
Our stamina or energy levels are the determinants of how
healthy and fit you actually are. With evolving times, a sedentary lifestyle is
becoming very common among people of this generation. Because of this, your
body does not function as it should.
However, people who are aware of this have started taking
steps towards a healthy lifestyle. Going to the gym and working out will help
you get rid of the sedentary lifestyle. Along with working out though, what you
need is the right diet and proper nutrition to keep you strong and healthy
enough to withstand a vigorous workout.
In today’s blog, we will discuss some of the tips that you
can use in your daily diet to improve your stamina levels so that you can
perform your everyday tasks without feeling drained.
Tip #01: Increase Proteins in your Diet
Proteins are the building blocks of your body. Your body is
comprised of almost 20% protein which is present in every single cell of the
body. It is also the most basic and a component of your muscles. Hence, protein
intake is not only good for your stamina but also helpful in increasing muscle
The natural source of protein includes:
Chicken and meat
Dairy products like milk, yogurt, cottage
cheese, etc.
Including these foods in your daily diet will provide you the
required amount of protein for your body. It helps you stay energetic, healthy,
and youthful.
The required daily value of Protein for humans
is 50g per day for an average adult male or
Tip #02: Replace carbs with complex carbs
Eating foods with a high amount of carbohydrates is not good
for your body. However, carbohydrates are one of the basic nutrients that your
body needs. Therefore, instead of eating foods with high carb compounds, like
sugary breakfast cereals, baked products (cookies, bread, etc.), pasta, potato
chips, etc., you must eat complex carbs.
Complex carbohydrates are compounds that take a longer time
to breakdown in your stomach and so it makes you feel satiated for longer. The
slow breakdown also helps to constantly provide energy throughout the day
without having to eat more.
Foods with complex carbohydrates are mostly considered to be
healthy foods, they include:
Brown rice
Replace your regular rice and pasta for these foods rich in
complex carbs and see how your body becomes healthier by the day, including
your strength, stamina, to your gut health, and metabolism.
The required daily value of Carbohydrates for
humans are 275g per day for an average adult male or
Tip #03: Get your daily Vitamin C
The deficiency of Vitamin C in your diet can be a cause
behind your fatigue and weakness. Nutrients like Vitamins are not usually made
by your body, the way it makes proteins or carbohydrates. But they are one of
the most necessary nutrients for your body.
Without proper amounts of Vitamin C, your body becomes weak
and fall victim to diseases like Scurvy, an illness caused by the deficiency of
Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is not only a nutrient that increases your stamina.
It also helps in the protein synthesis in your body, decreases the risk of
heatstroke, protects cells from oxidation, and promotes faster wound healing.
Foods rich in Vitamin C are:
Citrus fruits (Lemon, Orange, Lime, etc.)
Broccoli and Brussels sprouts
Bell peppers
Most of these foods are also often called superfoods for
they provide other nutrients in high quantities as well.
The required daily value of Vitamin C for humans
is 90mg per day for an average adult male or
Tip #04: Increase Iron Consumption
Similar to Vitamin C, Iron deficiency can also show symptoms
such as tiredness or fatigue. Your blood constitutes almost 70% of the total
iron content in your body. And so, it is an extremely important nutrient for
the health of your body.
Diseases like anemia are caused due to the deficiency of
iron in your blood. Iron is also a part of the protein found in your blood,
Hemoglobin. It is a vital component in transferring oxygen to the lungs and
tissues. It is safe to say that, Iron is an essential nutrient for producing
blood in your body.
There are various foods rich in Iron, some of them include:
Green leafy vegetables like Spinach
Whole grains
Eating food rich in Iron will increase your hemoglobin
levels and keep your energy levels up.
The required daily value of Iron for humans
is 18mg per day for an average adult male or
Tip #05: Drink a Moderate Amount of Coffee every day
Coffee, tea, dark chocolate or any other food or drink that
contains caffeine may actually help maintain your energy throughout the day.
Anyhow, many people cannot start their day without a cup of coffee or tea.
Caffeine in these foods increases brain activity and helps
you to focus on your work. Caffeine increases your cognitive performance and
relieves post-workout muscle soreness up to some levels.
Foods and drinks rich in Caffeine content are:
Coffee Beans
Tea Leaves
Cacao beans
Guarana berries
However, excessive amounts of caffeine can be addictive and
harmful to your health.
The required daily value of Caffeine for humans
is 400mg per day for an average adult male or
To live life to the fullest, it is important to feel
healthy, fit, and energetic. Some foods help you to keep your energy levels up
throughout the day along with giving you some of the most important nutrients
to stay healthy and fit. These nutrients include:
Apart from these, stimulants like caffeine in moderate
amounts are also helpful in maintaining healthy energy levels every day.
That is to say, without proper exercising, your dieting is
also incomplete and vice versa. If you only depend on your diet to increase
your stamina you may not get the desired results. So, make sure that you are going
to the gym every day and eating healthy food.
If you are looking for the right place to start your daily
workout, then try this listing portal.
It’ll help you to find the gym or fitness center that suits your workout style
the best. It will not only help you to locate the best gyms near you but also
give every small detail about the gym that you need to know before joining.
Do you think we missed something? Let us know in the
comments section below.