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How Gym ERP Software Can Benefit Your Yoga Studio?

Admin 19-06-2021

Yoga is a popular form of exercise that is gaining speedy popularity among millennials and Gen Z. More and more people are choosing Yoga to stay healthy and fit.

However, a tech-savvy generation will expect digital facilities from any Yoga studio they choose. So, as a Yoga studio owner, you need to rethink what other things you are providing to your studio members.

If you are thinking of digitizing your gym, then you have come to the right place, keep reading to find out more on how gym ERP software can benefit your Yoga studio.

Why is gym management software necessary in your Yoga studio?

Gym management software is a tool that assists and automates various processes required to run the Yoga studio smoothly. It can be used in any kind of fitness facility regardless of what styles, types, or forms of exercises you offer to your members.

It accelerates the process of gym management allowing you to spend more time on the gym floor and less time behind the desktop. It not only manages all the administrative tasks of your gym but also allows the teachers and members to manage their time and tasks at the Yoga studio.

Hence, it not only facilitates you as the studio owner but also the members and Yoga teachers working for your studio as well. This will give them a helping assistant to complete their task with more efficiency and relative ease.

With that said, let us see the different benefits of using gym management software in your Yoga studio.

Membership management

If you are still managing the details of your existing members manually on your desktop then it is time to upgrade. The gym management software allows you to store the details of your existing members including their package details, timings, group details, and similar other information about every member.

The studio owner can keep all the membership details stored in the member/group record feature of the gym management software. Here the studio owner can also see if the member or the group has paid the package fees or not and view their complete payment history.

It also includes member’s medical and health records and similar details that can help the owner or the Yoga teacher to know which exercises are best for the members. This will also allow you to teach your members better.

With the payment gateway integration, the fees paid online by the members will be added to the member details while giving additional facility to pay their fees online to the members.

Client acquisition and retention

Another benefit of implementing gym management software is that it helps the studio owner to attract new members and retain the old ones for a long time. 

The gym ERP software that is linked to a gym listing service can help you generate quality leads for your studio. Once you receive the lead, you can use the messaging integration to reach out to the prospects to push them through the sales funnel and convert leads into paying studio members.

Similarly, the gym ERP software also offers features that can help you to retain your current gym members. This includes constant interaction with the members to let them know what is happening in and around your Yoga studio.

Gym management software offers you a set of SMS messaging that you can use to connect with your members and Yoga teachers. You can later increase the number of SMSes you can send or you can choose to send the communication through WhatsApp.

The WhatsApp smart messaging application can be integrated with the gym ERP solution to send and receive messages to the Yoga teachers and members. With this, you can send them reminders, schedules, diet charts, payment reminders, event invites/reminders, event registration links, and much other important communication.

Online Yoga teaching

The gym management software provides you online live sessions so that you or the Yoga teachers at your studio can take classes remotely.

The live sessions in gym management software allow gym and studio owners to conduct live online classes for their remote members. This offers better flexibility, more accessibility, and convenience for members that cannot be present at your physical facility.

With live sessions, you can retain members even if they decide to move to another location or are on travel to any part of the world. With just their smartphone or laptop and an active internet connection, they can connect with your Yoga studio and participate in the live classes that you conduct using the live sessions feature of the gym ERP.

Cost reduction to increase profit margin

While increasing the number of members in your Yoga studio is one way to increase profit, you can also save a lot by optimizing your expenses.

Gym management software helps you do just that by maintaining a detailed track of all your income and expenses. This includes your memberships, payrolls, inventory, and similar other spendings.

With this record, you can infer a trend in your expenses and see where you might be spending in vain. The inventory management feature of it also helps to optimize your expenses on your regular inventory by keeping a track of every item present in it. It also stores the details of the suppliers from whom you buy your inventory along with their invoices so that you can choose the supplier that sells it cheaper than others.

This way, it helps your Yoga studio to increase the profit margin by decreasing your expenses.

Fitness applications for members and teachers

The gym management software also offers dedicated smartphone applications for teachers and members of your Yoga studio. This provides an additional facility to your Yoga teachers and members of your studio.

Better facilities for members will allow them to manage their workout time more efficiently and give them insights into their daily habits like water intake to give them better results for their endeavor to become healthier.

Gym management application for teachers gives them their complete job profile and related information like payroll details, personal details, tasks, schedule, etc. Apart from that, it also gives them their members’ details like health details, schedule, and allows them to create a workout plan for the members.

This ensures that members will get the workout schedule that they can use even when they are unable to join your studio physically.

Apart from that, the Yoga teachers and instructors can also create a detailed diet chart for the members to follow. This will ensure that the members are able to achieve their fitness goals faster.


How do you manage your Yoga studio?

Managing your Yoga studio is a complex task when you need to take care of every backend work manually. That is why gym management software can be a helpful tool that assists and automates several of your behind-the-scenes tasks necessary to keep your Yoga studio running smoothly.

Is owning a Yoga studio profitable?

Yoga is one the most popular exercise forms among all the age groups. With the right place, promotion, and tools like gym management software, you can bring your Yoga studio to new heights.

How do you manage the Yoga studio memberships?

Using a gym management software, you can easily manage memberships and packages of your Yoga studio. It offers dedicated features for you to manage your members, groups, and their membership details. With package management feature, you can create and manage studio packages for your members to choose from.


Yoga studios are places for people to make their bodies and minds stronger while also allowing them to relax. With the use of gym management software, even you as a studio owner can relax while managing your studio with relative ease.

As discussed in the blog, it has the following benefits to offer to your Yoga studio:

  • Membership management

  • Client acquisition and retention

  • Online Yoga teaching

  • Cost reduction to increase profit margin

  • Fitness applications for members and teachers

  • And many others

You can start using the gym ERP software for free with the trial version and see how it can be used to complete various administrative tasks of your Yoga studio. 

Tell us how you manage your Yoga studio in the comments section below. If you think that this blog may help someone you know, feel free to share it with them. Also you can check out our other blogs on fitness and diet and see if you find anything that interests you.

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