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5 Top Tips to Motivate Your Gym Members that You Must Try Right Now!

Admin 12-12-2020

For most people, exercising is something that needs constant motivation, whether they do it at home or at a gym. And they are successful in getting motivated then they would keep doing exercising regularly. For gym owners, this means that their members would keep coming back to the gym regularly.

It is hard for everyone to find motivation every day to go to a gym and finish a workout. In the end, most people (about 50% of all gym members) stop going to the gym completely even before the first six months of starting.

This is why it falls upon the gym owner or instructor to keep their members coming back to the gym. As a gym owner or instructor, you must know what you can do to motivate and retain your gym members.

Human psychology plays an important role in exercising. If your member is someone who likes to exercise and stay fit, then you may not need to give them external motivation. But if they are someone motivated by internet fitness trends, then their motivation is bound to decrease over time.

In today’s blog, we will discuss 5 tips to motivate your members to continue exercising regularly. This will eventually increase your member retention, increase your gym’s reputation, and boost your sales as well.

Tip #01: Create your gym community

When new members join your gym they would like a friendly atmosphere but they would stay for the sense of community that you provide them. Human beings inherently look for a community to be a part of which means that if they find a sense of belonging in your gym, they are bound to stay for longer.

Remember their names as soon as they join your gym, introduce them to your staff so that they would feel more familiar and comfortable. Interact with them from time to time to let them know that you appreciate their dedication towards their health and fitness.

Encourage interaction between members, it will increase the chances of them feeling less lonely in the gym. It will also motivate them to come back to the gym the next day.

Tip #02: Break the routine

Oten, it is not that the members are not motivated, but that they just want a change in their workout. Ask them what they are feeling up to and just for that day, help them do exercises of their choice.

This will bring a refreshing change to their daily exercises and help give them a break from it in a way that does not compromise their fitness routines. Sometimes, changing the exercise a little is just enough to break the long streak of routine exercises.

Routines in anything can make people lose interest in the activity. So, tweak your workouts or add in a little change in your members’ daily workout. It will help them to stick to the original workout a little longer.

If you use gym management software, you can let your members know about any changes in their routine via the dedicated members’ application. This can make them look forward to the new set of workouts.

Tip #03: Help members build healthy habits

While many people exercise because they enjoy doing it or they want to learn something from it, most people simply want to lose weight and attain a fit body inspired by their fitness idol.

It is known that if you like what you are doing, then you are bound to stick to it for longer, however, how can you get other members to like exercising as well?

The answer is by helping them cultivate a habit of it. Start with making them realize the benefits of exercising other than getting the perfect shape. For example, tell them about the de-stressing nature of exercise or how it can help them to increase their immunity.

Later, to help them stick to the exercise schedule set by the personal trainer, ask them to join a group exercise classes. Seeing others like themselves can motivate the members to progress along with the other members of the group. It will also increase the interaction among the members and help to stay accountable for their fitness and the group as well.

You can track their gym attendance with the gym management software. It also shows how many days they have missed with the members’ application. This will increase their accountability and encourage them to attend the gym regularly.

Tip #04: Celebrate successes

Everybody likes rewards! They are one of the best forms of positive reinforcement. But make sure that those rewards do not come easy. Let your members know that they will have to work for their reward. And if they fail, then they lose the reward as well.

It will be more effective if the members know what the rewards are going to be and make it something that they want. Keep a goal and a deadline, and if they achieve it, they will get what they wanted.

Celebrate their successes by letting them play their playlist or choose the group workout for the day. You can also reward them with branded bottles or bags.

Their success will encourage others to do their best and reach that position. It could be a small push towards their competitive nature.

Tip #05: Arrange contests or bring-a-friend events

You can take advantage of your members’ competitive nature to further motivate them. Get your members to compete among themselves in a healthy competition that keeps pushing them to do better.

Or you can also organize events where your members can bring a friend or family member to workout with. It will encourage them to exercise better. It also introduces your gym to other potential members.

This way, you are not only retaining old members but also attracting other members. Moreover, it motivates the existing members to stick to their workout and push harder towards their fitness goal.

With friends, your members are more likely to complete the workout schedule as compared to without friends.


The motivation to keep exercising is what drives your members to come to your gym or fitness studio. As an owner and instructor, you must reach out to your members to make sure that they are motivated to keep themselves fit. It will not only help them but also help your gym as well when they keep coming back to your gym for their regular workout.

We discussed 5 top ways that you can motivate your members for workout and help them reach their fitness goals. You can help them create a diet and exercise plan that they can stick to. With gym management software and mobile application, you can also share any changes in member schedule, workout routine, or diet plan.

With the prevailing worldwide circumstances, it is even harder to keep your loyal gym members motivated to exercise but if you are using a powerful gym management software that provides live sessions feature, then you can help members by letting them work out in the comfort of their homes.

How else do you motivate your gym members? Let us know in the comments below.

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